Flash sale unlocked ⚡ 20% off with code “cr2022”


Created on 20 December, 2022 | 460 views

Here are some extra features that you should know about:

Here are some extra features that you should know about:

Teams system

Users can share access to their websites analytics with other people.

Email reports system

Auto sending weekly or monthly email reports to websites that have this option enabled.

Dark mode

Simply beautiful and ready to go right out of the box.

Social logins

Twitter, Google, Facebook & Discord integrations.

Automatic generated sitemap

Your sitemap is automatically generated and updated for you.

Two Factor Authentication

You and your users can use 2FA if they want to.

Customizable & unlimited plans

Admins can create & configure plan features, with their own pricing directly from the admin panel.

Multilingual ready (with RTL support)

The whole platform can be translated via the Admin Panel with ease.

API ready

Comes with a few useful API endpoints for both the user and the admin.

Custom domains

Fully featured custom domains system to bypass ad-blockers.

Cookie consent

Integrated cookie consent banner, configurable via the admin panel & translatable.

Blogging system

Integrated simple, easy to use & translatable blogging system.

Updated on 26 March, 2025